Timothy Lee

Name: Timothy Lee 李鼎烈
Born in Seoul, Korea
E-mail: tjlee@must.edu.mo; timothylee728@gmail.com
Phone: +853 6801 2005 WeChat ID: Timothy61452573878
Position: Professor, Faculty of Hospitality & Tourism Management,
Macau University of Science & Technology, Macao.
2001 – 2004: PhD in Tourism Development, University of Surrey, the United Kingdom.
1998 – 1999: Master Degree in Int’l Hotel Management, University of Surrey, the UK.
1990 – 1992: Master of Business Administration, Long Island Univ. New York, USA.
1983 – 1989: Bachelor Degree in Environmental Forestry, Seoul National Univ, Korea.
2020 – Present: Professor, Macau University of Science & Technology (MUST), Macao.
2020 – Present: Adjunct Prof., Griffith Business School, Griffith University, Australia.
2018 – 2020: Professor, Department of Tourism, Leisure, and Events Management,
University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia.
2012 – 2017: Professor, Dean, & Department Chair, College of Asia Pacific Studies,
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU), Japan.
2005 – 2012: Assistant Professor in the School of Tourism & Leisure Management,
University of Queensland (UQ), Australia.
2003 – 2004: Lecturer in Tourism and Leisure Marketing,
University of Surrey, the United Kingdom.
1992 – 1998: Worked at enterprises in the tourism/leisure industry in New York, USA.
1) Published 330 research articles including 120 in the SSCI-listed quality journals.
2) Associate Editor in Journal of Leisure Research (SSCI).
3) Regional Editor in Leisure Studies (SSCI).
4) Editor of International Journal of Tourism Sciences published by Taylor & Francis (2015 to 2019).
5) Been granted 26 research projects worldwide totalling more than 3 million US dollars
6) Delivered invited special lectures or keynote speech 95 times in 20 countries.
7) Supervised 20 PhD students in tourism fields to completion of their degree.
8) Hosted 11 international academic conferences that more than 1,000 academics from 40 countries participated in (including icohoth.org & glosith.net).
9) Strongly connected to the members of the tourism/leisure discipline worldwide.
10) Research interests: Cultural heritage tourism, Health-oriented tourism activities, Cross- cultural issues in tourism/hospitality/leisure activities, Destination marketing, Impacts of Casino and gaming industry, Food tourism, & more.
11) Teaching subjects: Management & Marketing on Tourism, Hospitality, Event, Leisure, Food, Geography. Health / Medical tourism, Cultural tourism, MICE Tourism, & more.
12) Language: Korean (native), English (fluent), Mandarin Chinese (basic), Japanese
(intermediate), Spanish (basic).
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